radiology conference dubai malaysia penang

Workshops for the rest of 2017

What radiology conferences / workshops do we have planned for the rest of the year?  After a busy start to the year and doing our first MSK MRI Workshop in Dubai which sold out we are taking  a few months off teaching to further improve the workshops oh.. and to also get back to the day job of being a radiologist! We have however finalised our Workshop programme for the remainder of the year which is in the image above. Workshops on Spine and MSK imaging in Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Manila and Abu Dhabi for the remainder of the year.  We will open registration shortly. The workshops usually sell out fairly fast so if you are not already on our email list and would like to be informed when registrations start, please email us at with your name and email.

#radedasia #mri #mskmri #radiología

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