
GLENOID LABRUM MRI SIMPLIFIED 3: Buford Complex (not complex at all)

In this third part of Glenoid Labrum MRI Simplified we look at the Buford Complex. If you have not seen Part 1 y Part 2 please look at those posts before reading this.

Definition: Absent anterosuperior labrum, with a thick middle glenohumeral ligament.



The image below shows a comparison of the normal appearance of the labrum and MGHL ( top row of images)  with the appearance of a Buford Complex ( bottom row). The points to note in a Buford Complex

  • The Antero Inferior Labrum is Normal ( if it is abnormal then there is a tear present)

  • The Superior Labrum posterior to the biceps insertion is normal ( if it is abnormal then there is a tear present)

  • The middle glenohumeral ligament ( MGHL) is thick

  • The thick MGHL can look like a displaced labrum. Follow it below the equator to see if the labrum still look abnormal or not.

  • The tip of the coracoid defines the level of the equator ( see this post on labrum anatomy). Labral changes around this level, doesnt have to be exact.

  • buford-complex-labrum-shoulder-radedasia

  • In our next post we look at the Sublabral Foramen

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