lipohemarthrosis shoulder xray trauma radedasia


  • Lipohaemarthrosis occurs when there is fracture and a break in the cortex at a joint space.


  • We see it often enough in the knee to look specifically. 


  • But in the shoulder its pretty uncommon


  • So what do you look for.


  • Lipo (Fat): Which on x-ray will be low attenuation


  • Haem (Blood): On x-ray will be more dense than the fat


  • Fluid Level: Sharp straight line formed by fat floating on the effusion


  • Arthrosis: In the joint


See the images below that demonstrate these findings.

  • The imaging finding of lipohaemarthrosis in the shoulder (or any other joint) is the same as the knee.


  • Its quite uncommon in the shoulder but if you see an intra articular fracture, look for a fluid level just like you would in the knee.

A Lipohemarthrosis is a post traumatic joint effusion that contains a mixture of fat, marrow and blood caused by an intra articular fracture.

The level seen is due to fat floating in the effusion. The lighter fat component floats above the heaver blood elements and a fluid level is formed.

A hemarthrosis contains only blood components for example in someone with hemophilia. A Lipohaemarthrosis contains fat and blood and is post traumatic in origin.

A Lipohemarthrosis can be seen on x-ray, CT or MRI. CT and MRI would be most sensitive for small amounts of fat.

Learn more about SHOULDER Imaging in our Guided

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