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Radiology Conference Malaysia Upper Limb MSK MRI Workstation Workshop Kuala Lumpur 4th-5th November

Radiology Conference Upper Limb MSK MRI Workstation Workshop Kuala Lumpur 4th-5th November 2017

msk mri radiology conference penang kuala lumpur global radiology education asia

The workshop is now full. If you would like to be on the waiting list in case of cancellations, please email us We will have further workshops in KL and in the SE Asian region next year.

This is the first dedicated upper limb workshop we will be running and will cover MRI of the Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist/Hand over 2 days.

We are very pleased to confirm that we will be joined by A/Prof David Connell who will be presenting at the workshop. David is a globally renowned MSK radiologist with too many accomplishments to list here. There is more detail about him on our workshop webpage at this link MRIKLMSK

We are also commencing a Post Workshop Review Programme we call 3R ( Review, Refresh, Remember) which is complimentary as part of the workshop. We all know the feeling of going to a meeting and then rapidly forgetting what we have learnt because forgetting is the easiest part of learning. So…Starting 1 month before the workshops we will send brief reads on topics that we will cover in the workshop. In this way when you get to the workshop, a lot of what you will learn wont be entirely new. You can focus your attention more on viewing the dicoms, and the presentations become a refresher of what you have pre read. Combined with a 1 month post workshop review programme that refreshes your memory of what has been learnt, this will make a big difference to how much you learn and retain from the workshop.

Radiology Education Asia MSK MRI Conference Jakarta

Here is a brief look some of the reasons people come to the workshop.

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We have had radiologists from Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, India, Nepal, Indonesia, South Africa, Maldives, Mauritius, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar, Seychelles, Afghanistan, Thailand, Bangladesh, Philippines, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Kingdom and Cambodia join our workshops and we look forward to you joining and meeting with you.

CME: We are in the process of applying for CPD points from MMA and RANZCR.  RCR will recognise the points awarded by RANZCR.  The workshops are also eligible for recognition of the RANZCR points by DHA, HAAD and KIMS.

More information on the workshop, the post workshop review programme and registration at this link MRIKLMSK

Radiology Education Asia MSK MRI Conference Jakarta

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