radiology conference mri msk david connell radiology education asia malaysia

MSK MRI Upper Limb Workstation Workshop Malaysia Kuala Lumpur

Radiology Conference Malaysia MSK MRI.

msk mri radiology conference penang kuala lumpur global radiology education asia


The workshop is now full. If you would like to be on the waiting list in case of cancellations, please email us We will have further workshops in KL and in the SE Asian region next year.

We are very pleased to have A. Prof David Connell present at the Upper Limb MSK MRI Workstation Workshop in KL on the 4th and 5th of November 2017. David is a renowned MSK radiologist with too many publications and achievements to mention and runs a thriving Specialist Sports Imaging practice in Melbourne catering to elite athletes. More information about A. Prof Connell and the Upper Limb MRI Workshop in KL at this link MSKMRIKL

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