schmorl nodes spine mri online radiology courses


Schmorl’s Node Spine MRI Online Radiology Course

Acute and Chronic Schmorl’s nodes. Another three quick images with some basic key points from our online spine MRI courses.

schmorl's node acute spine mri radedasia

Acute schmorl's nodes demonstrate oedema at their margins. This is usually limited to around the circumference of the margins but occasionally can be very extensive.

schmorl's node chronic mri spine radedasia

Chronic Schmorl's nodes can have a variable appearance. Here the margin is corticated and the  marrow signal at the margins of the schmorl's node is normal with no oedema or fatty change

schmorl's node chronic spine mri radedasia

The second appearance of chronic schmorl's nodes is for the marrow around the margin to have fatty infiltration, with fat signal more than in the adjacent marrow.

We look at all of these topics in more detail in our SPINE MRI Mini Fellowships.

Click on the image below for more information.


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