stress fracture fibula shin mri radiology xray periosteal radedasia



  • Transverse stress fracture in the fibula shaft in a runner.


  • This image demonstrates all the findings to look for in a stress fracture on MRI with.


  • The Stress Fracture on MRI being the thin high signal line crossing transversely across the fibula (Pink arrow).


  • The Low signal lines paralleling the cortex being Periosteal new bone formation (Green arrows).


  • High Signal soft tissue changes being Soft tissue oedema and inflammation (Blue arrows).


  • High Signal in the shaft being Bone marrow oedema (Yellow arrows).

  • Thin high signal line crossing transversely across the fibula (Pink arrow).


  • Periosteal new bone formation (Green arrows).


  • Soft tissue oedema (Blue arrows).


  • Bone marrow oedema (Yellow arrow).

stress fracture fibula shin mri radiology xray periosteal radedasiastress fracture fibula shin mri radiology periosteal xray radedasia

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