learn msk mri online knee mri cartilage surface lesions radedasia


Cartilage MRI Chondral Damage: What are the Cartilage surface lesions to report


Cartilage MRI : The 3 simple MRI appearances of surface cartilage damage and injury.

  1. Cartilage Fibrillation,
  2. Cartilage Fissure and
  3. Chondral Delamination

How to easily find and report them on MRI.


MRI cartilage early damage. The surface of cartilage can demonstrate early changes seen best on MRI.

In this video we look at the three simple MRI appearances of surface cartilage damage and injury, Cartilage Fibrillation, Fissuring and associated deeper change of Chondral Delamination.


This 2 minute video below looks at the surface lesions of Cartilage on MRI and how to find them.

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