Report with Confidence
Our new WRIST, HAND & ELBOW MRI MINI FELLOWSHIP is a Guided Hands-on Imaging Course to learn how to Assess and Report MRI Wrist, Hand & Elbow MRI More Confidently will be in Abu Dhabi, UAE on 8th & 9th February 2025 .
The focus of this Onsite Guided MRI Mini Fellowship, like all our courses, is for you to be Más confiado in making a diagnosis and to put out much Better Reports. Apart from the Imaging abnormalities, we make sure you understand the detailed radiological anatomy of the Wrist, Hand and Elbow, essential to an accurate diagnosis. We also cover the macroscopic pathology of abnormalities in all our Mini Fellowships, which I have found makes understanding and reporting the imaging easier. Its a practical hands on Mini Fellowship where you have your individual workstations and are guided to learn Where to Look, What to look for and How to Report.
A través de estos talleres nos objetivo de hacerte Más confiado with your Diagnosis, put out Clear Reports & to have your reports and findings Respected by Clinicians.
Dr Ravi, is the Director of Radiology Education Asia and a Senior Consultant Radiologist from Australia now in Singapore. He has been teaching MSK and Spine MRI for over 10 years to Radiologists, Rheumatologists and Sports and Pain Physicians from Asia, Africa, Middle East, Europe, The Americas and Australia/ New Zealand. His aim in the courses is not just accumulating facts, but for you to be reporting more confidently.
His method of teaching is to simplify, without losing the essential things we need to know. For you to easily recognise the important anatomy, the relevant macroscopic pathology which helps to understand the imaging findings and for you to know where to look and what to look for. All of these help you to report a scan with Confidence and issue reports that you are proud of and will be respected by referrers.
We are very happy to have Dr Colin Chong join us. Colin is a senior MSK and Interventional Radiologist from Brisbane Australia and the Chair of the RANZCR MRI Reference Group. He provides specialist MSK imaging for elite athletes and professional sporting teams and is actively involved in teaching and research, has numerous publications and has presented at multiple conferences. Colin has also been appointed by the Singapore government to train and upskill specialists in sports medicine, orthopaedics and radiology.
Complex information compressed into the important things you need to know and look for in order to put out a confident report.
Conocimiento esencial
All the important information and facts you need to know about an abnormality.
Patología macroscópica
Understand the important macroscopic pathology of an abnormality which makes it easier for you to interpret the imaging findings.
Ver Dicom
View cases and multiple abnormalities on your own workstation like you do at work with guided explanation of the findings.
Dónde buscar
Learn a structure of exactly where to look for specific abnormalities.
What to Look for
Learn what specifically to look for with individual pathologies.
How to Report
How do you then structure a report to best describe the abnormalities and for the referrer to have Confidence in your report.
Quizzes to confirm your understanding of the various topics. Quizzes help with better retention of what you have learnt.
CPD & Certificate
CPD points by RANZCR recognized by most international licensing bodies. A Certificate that you have completed the course. Frame it or post it to LinkedIn or other Social Media.
What do people like you who attend our MSK MRI Mini Fellowships say
All our ONSITE mini fellowships are run over two days in order to cover all the topics without rushing.
At most onsite courses you turn up, listen to someone talking and showing slides and if you don't understand something…too bad. That is no way to learn. At our courses you have your own workstation with full dicom scans just like at work and we show and guide you in how and what to look for and how to word your report and then answer any questions you have to clear doubts. It's important to us that at the end of the Mini Fellowship that you are confident to report.
Hacer preguntas y despejar dudas, por pequeñas que sean, es una parte muy importante del aprendizaje. Detiene la ansiedad de no saber y sentir que se está perdiendo algo. Así que lo guiamos y alentamos a que haga preguntas a lo largo del curso.
The key to learning is to ACTIVELY Learn.
- You will have your own workstation with all the dicoms where you can scroll and find abnormalities just like you would at work.
- We will demonstrate and guide you on Where to Look, What to Look for and How to Report.
- You can ask questions to clear doubts at any time.
- We have slides, videos, quizzes and workbooks to help with your learning.
- Our aim is for you to be much more confident in assessing and reporting Wrist, Hand and Elbow MRI at the end of the course.
The mini-fellowship is recognized for CPD Hours by RANZCR (Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists). We will update on the number of points shortly.
RANZCR CPD points are recognized by most Licensing and Health Authorities around the world including RCR in the UK. Please also check with your individual licensing authority.
Yes, we issue a Certificate of Completion. We will also have Course Badges that can be added to your LinkedIn Profile or shared to Social media.
The level of the course is for people with limited to intermediate experience in Wrist, Hand and Elbow MRI who wish to improve their ability to assess, diagnose and report Wrist, Hand and Elbow MRI more confidently. (If you find yourself skipping Wrist or Elbow MRI on your worklist, this course is for you 🙂
The Mini-Fellowship course would not be suitable for you if you have significant experience in reporting Wrist, Hand and Elbow MRI or have done a formal MSK Fellowship.
Necesitas ser un Profesional de la Salud y el curso es no abierto al público en general. We have Consultant and Trainee Radiologists, Rheumatologists, Orthopedic Surgeons and Sports Medicine Physicians attending our courses and the workshop will be suitable for any Medical Doctor who has an interest in or deals with Wrist, Hand and Elbow Pathologies.
By registering for the course you confirm that you are a Health Professional and agree to the terms of service.
#radedasia #mri #mskmri #radiología