stress fracture fatigue insufficiency fracture radiology mri radedasia
  • The difference lies in the underlying bone metabolism. Is it normal or not.
  • A Fatigue fracture is  stress type fracture due to repetitive overload, with normal bone metabolism (eg a March Fracture of the metatarsal in new army recruits).
  • An Insufficiency fracture is a stress type fracture due to normal load or repetitive overload, with abnormal bone metabolism (eg osteoporosis).

We have had over 2000 questions answered in the MRI Mini Fellowships. From simple to complex and everything in between. Here are some of them.

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Learn more about this condition and how to best report it in more detail in our
Guided ANKLE Mini Fellowship.

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stress fracture fatigue insufficiency fracture radiology mri radedasia
shoulder ligament mghl mri tear middle glenohumeral radedasia
Gleno Humeral Ligaments

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