  • Baastrup’s disease is due to abnormal contact between adjacent spinous processes) and can be a cause of back pain.


  • It’s generally in an older age group and most commonly in the lower lumbar spine.


  • The imaging features can be seen on both CT and MRI and in this post we look at the CT findings in Baastrup‘s disease.



  • Apposition of spinous processes: Narrowing of the interspinous distance (Yellow arrow) of adjacent spinous processes that appear very close together or touch (also known as "kissing spines").

  • Broadening of the spinous processes: The apposing surfaces of the spinous processes broaden and flatten (Green arrows).



  • Contact and approximation between the adjacent spinous processes (compare with level above).


  • Sclerosis and subcortical cysts formation at the spinous process.


  • Coronal CT demonstrating.


  • Osteophyte formation (Orange arrow) at the margins of the spinous processes (these are best seen on coronal reformats).


  • Subcortical cysts (Purple arrows).


  • Narrowing of the interspinous space (Yellow arrow).

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