knee infrapatellar plica syndrome radiology mri radedasia

The infrapatellar plica is one of 4 plicas in the knee:

  • Medial Patella Plica.
  • Suprapatellar Plica.
  • Infrapatellar plica.
  • Lateral Patellar plica.

  • Attaches to anterior intercondylar notch and inferior pole patella.


  • Runs through Hoffa's Fat Pad.


  • In the joint the infrapatellar plica runs superior and parallel to ACL.

    • The normal appearance of the infrapatellar plica on MRI varies.


    • You may not see it at all (most common).


    • Or you may see a thin curvilinear region of lower signal running through Hoffa's fat as in the image.


    • There should be no high signal seen on STIR/ T2FS along the course of the infrapatellar plica.

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knee mri bursa suprapatellar plica
patella plica mri radiology syndrome knee medial radedasia

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