knee mri bursa suprapatellar plica
  • The normal supra patellar plica is not continuous.
  • There is a gap in it ( fenestration) which allows fluid to circulate freely in the SP bursa above and below the plica.

  • At times the SP Plica is continuous with no gap.
  • Normally we probably wouldn't notice it when reporting and it wouldn't really matter.
  • However…
  • If the SP plica is not fenestrated and there is a haemarthrosis or lipo haemarthrosis.
  • We may get the haemathrosis/ fat signal only in one section of the bursa.

  • If you see differential signal in separate parts of the suprapatellar bursa.  
  • This is an indication of a continuous SP Plica.

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Guided MRI KNEE Mini-Fellowship.

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knee infrapatellar plica syndrome radiology mri radedasia
patella plica mri radiology syndrome knee medial radedasia

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