patella dislocation subluxation fracture hemarthrosis lipohemarthrosis radiology mri xray knee
  • The patient has had a recent patella dislocation and there is now a large suprapatellar effusion (on MRI this was a hemarthrosis).
    • On X-ray we can't say defnitely that it's a hemarthrosis but the presence of a fracture would indicate that it is likely to be a hemarthrosis.
    • To diagnose a lipohemarthrosis on X-ray you need to do a horizontal view with the patient lying down in order to see the fat fluid level. Not done in this case.


  • Additionally a fracture fragment is present adjacent to the medial femoral condyle
    • This is due to the dislocation, with the patella hitting against the femur to cause the fracture.


  • Its not common to see femoral fractures with a patella dislocation and this indicates how forceful the dislocation must have been.

  • Suprapatella effusion (Pink arrow).
  • Medial femoral condyle fracture (Green Arrow).

patella dislocation subluxation fracture hemarthrosis lipohemarthrosis radiology mri xray kneepatella subluxation dislocation fracture hemarthrosis lipohemarthrosis radiology mri xray knee

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