peroneal tubercle mri retrotrochlear eminence mri peroneal temdon tondonitis tear radiology education asia(1)


How to identify the Peroneal tubercle and Retrotrochlear eminence on MRI:

    • Today we are looking at MRI of the Peroneal Tubercle and the Retrotrochlear eminence.

    • The importance of these structures is that when enlarged, a Peroneal Tubercle and less commonly the Retrotrochlear eminence, can result in Peroneal Tendonitis, Peroneal Tenosynovitis and Peroneal Tendon tears.

    • This video post looks at how to identify the peroneal tubercle and retrotrochlear eminence and their relationship to Peroneus Brevis and Peroneus Longus tendons on MRI.

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