vertebral artery dissection radiology mri diagnosis



  • With spinal trauma its essential to look at the signal of the vertebral arteries as there can be dissection.


  • In most cases we don’t do a routine MRA so being able to spot a dissection on the standard scans is very important to look for an occluded vertebral artery that would indicate underlying dissection.

  • Normal vertebral arteries should be low signal (Green arrow) due to the blood flow resulting in a flow void.


  • In this case there is increased signal in the right vertebral artery (Pink arrow) which is abnormal.


  • The patient had a spinal fracture and dissection of the vertebral artery resulting in occlusion. 

Absent flow void in the right vertebral artery (Pink arrow).

vertebral artery dissection radiology mri diagnosisvertebral artery dissection mri radiology diagnosis

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