/ HIP, What's the Dx / By Dr Ravi Padmanabhan MOVE SLIDER ICON (ARROWS) LEFT TO SEE THE DIAGNOSIS FINDINGS High signal fluid cleft (Yellow arrows) between the conjoint tendon and the ischium at its attachment. DIAGNOSIS Hamstring tendon Partial Tear.Partial tear at the attachment site of Semitendinosus and Biceps femoris.Tears are most common at the deep surface of the tendon. IMAGES ARE FROM OUR INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT. CLICK ICON BELOW TO SEE ALL OUR INSTAGRAM POSTS Instagram #radiology #radedasia #mri #hipmri #radiologyeducation #radiologycases #radiologist #radiologycme #radiologycpd #medicalimaging #imaging #radcme #rheumatology #arthritis #rheumatologist #orthopaedic #painphysician #podiatry #podiatrist #physiotherapy #sportsmed #orthopaedic #mskmri #radedasia #mri #mskmri #radiology