learn msk mri elbow online radiology radedasia



Elbow MRI is something radiologists struggle with as it’s not often taught and you don’t see multiple scans every day to build your knowledge. But when it come on your reporting list you have to know how to report it confidently.

Our new GUIDED MRI ELBOW Online Course will cover the common abnormalities you will see in reporting, focusing on how you assess a scan at work … What to Look for, Where to Look and How to Best Report it.
We make sure you understand the detailed radiological anatomy of the Elbow, essential to an accurate diagnosis, see plenty of videos demonstrating abnormalities , dicoms to practice finding abnormalities and quizzes to review your understanding. The course is Guided like all our courses where you can ask questions at any time to clear doubts. Across all our online courses we have had over 4000 questions and answers…so yes we take that seriously.
So if evaluating and reporting Elbow MRI more confidently is something you would like to do, this course will help you do that.
Agenda and registration links below.
Click HERE for Course Agenda.
More details at this link: https://bit.ly/learnelbowmri
Click here to register: https://bit.ly/registermrielbow

If your Browser is blocking the video, Please Click HERE to view it on our YouTube channel.

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