biceps dislocation radiology mri shoulder



  • The long head of biceps tendon has dislocated out of the bicipital groove and lies within a tear of subscapularis.


  • Wen you see an empty bicipital groove, look medially for the tendon which may be intra or extra articular.


  • If you don’t see a tendon at all, then its likely that the biceps tendon has ruptured.

  • The long head of biceps tendon ( Pink arrow) has dislocated medially into subscapularis (Yellow arrow).


  • The bicipital groove is empty ( Green arrow).

biceps dislocation radiology mri shoulderbiceps dislocation mri shoulder radiology
Coracoid Process tendon attachment coracobrachialis short head biceps
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biceps tendon dislocation radiology mri

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