mri shoulder labrum normal variation tear radedasia

On MRI, Shoulder Undercutting by cartilage of the labrum can result in the appearance of a tear. How do you diagnose this?

mri shoulder labrum normal radedasia
A normal MRI of the Shoulder usually demonstrates the labrum firmly attached to the glenoid and cartilage with no gap or abnormal signal between the labrum and the Cartilage (Pink arrow).

mri shoulder labral tear radedasia
When there is a tear high fluid signal extends between the labrum and the glenoid/ cartilage (Blue arrow).

mri shoulder labrum cartilage undercutting radedasia

However, there can be intermediate signal (Orange arrow) between the glenoid and the labrum which is an extension of cartilage, undercutting the labrum. This is a normal variation and is not a tear.


You can distinguish it from a tear by:


  • It's signal which will be the same as adjacent cartilage which is an intermediate signal (Orange arrow).


  • And it will be continuous with adjacent glenoid cartilage.
mri shoulder labrum undercutting report radedasia

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