


If you work in Spine Pain Management and have not had formal training in assessing Spine MRI and CT, our new GUIDED SPINE & SIJ IMAGING FOR PAIN MANAGEMENT Mini Fellowship will help you understand, find and assess the common abnormalities you need to recognise in your patients’ scans prior to any intervention or treatment.

I wouldn’t do any Spine Intervention without being able to assess the patient’s scan myself and definitely wouldn’t rely just on a report.

It’s essential to be able to assess your patients’ scans for yourself when treatment and intervention are being planned. This Mini Fellowship aims to reduce your struggle with interpreting your patient’s Spine and SIJ imaging when planning and doing intervention. “

The focus of the course is for you to not rely just on the report but for you to confidently assess your patients’ scans yourself and see the abnormalities prior to making treatment decisions or intervention. If you are in Pain Medicine, Sports Medicine, Orthopaedics, Neurosurgery, Physiatry, even Radiology or in any field where understanding your patients’ MRI or CT scans is important, this course is for you.

We will make sure you will be able to understand and quickly identify

  1. The MRI and CT radiological anatomy you need to know.
  2. How to quickly assess and find abnormalities on CT or MRI in the areas of concern to you that will determine treatment.
  3. Where to Look, What to Look for and How to Assess Confidently.

The full list of abnormalities you will learn to identify is in the agenda below and how you will learn in the course is in the video below.

Through this Mini Fellowship we aim to make you More Confident to Assess the Spine and SIJ CT & MRI scans of your patients and not just rely on the report. 


A structured 30 Day Course incorporating everything below to make you more confident to assess your own patients' scans.

Patología macroscópica

Understand the important macroscopic pathology of an abnormality which makes it easier for you to interpret the imaging findings.

Ver vídeos

One of the most popular aspects of our courses. Video explanations of What's normal, What's abnormal, Where to look and What to look for.

Conocimiento esencial

All the important information and facts you need to know about an abnormality.

Aprendizaje guiado: hacer preguntas

Puedes hacer preguntas a lo largo del curso para aclarar cualquier duda.


Quizzes to confirm your understanding.

Certificate of Completion & CPD

A Certificate that you have completed the course. Frame it or post it to Linkedin or other Social Media. 30 Web Based Learning CPD hours by RANZCR, recognized by most international licensing bodies.

Acceso al curso

This gives you Complete Access to the course for 6 months and any new updates.

Ver Dicom

Vea casos y anomalías múltiples como lo hace en el trabajo. Con explicación de los hallazgos.

Our CPD & Learning Partners

What do people like you who attend our Spine Mini Fellowships say

Sustained learning. Manageable volume of information each day Great course! Helped to improve my confidence. Will sign up for more.

usa flag thumbnail radedasia
Dr. Wilson USA

A very good course highly recommended for clinicians other than radiologist who deal with xrays,ct scans and mri scans in their daly practice and have to rely on radiologist reports most of the time.

Dr. Jamal UK

Excellent explanations on questions asked. Short videos very concise, to the point and clearing critical concepts.

Georgia flag icon round Transparent radedasia
Dr. Mery Georgia


This mini fellowship is designed specifically for colleagues in Spine Pain Management who have not had formal training in how to read Spine CT and MRI scans of their patients  prior to treatment or intervention. We focus on making it easier for you to find the abnormalities on the CT and MRI scans of your patients  

For diagnostic radiologists, where reporting is important, we have a separate course that is designed specifically for the needs of reporting radiologists.

The active teaching will be run over 30 days and will cover all the major pathologies that you need to assess and find on your patients' scans.

Everyone's busy and tired so we keep things to the point. Around 30 minutes most days. We would recommend that on weekends you try and spend some extra time reviewing what has been covered during the week.

Few good things come without time and effort so you do need to set aside some time to get the most out of the course.

Most online courses you log on, look at the material and if you don't understand something…too bad. That is no way to learn.

We show and guide you in WHERE TO LOOK, WHAT TO LOOK FOR  and HOW TO ASSESS and then answer any questions you have to clear doubts. It's important to us that at the end of the Mini Fellowship that you can confidently assess your patients' CT and MRI scans to plan your treatment and intervention.

Asking questions and clearing doubts, no matter how small, is a very important part of learning. It stops the anxiety of not knowing and feeling that something is being missed. So we guide and encourage you to ask questions and clear doubts throughout the course.
knee learn online mri msk spine ct imaging xray radiology guided course radedasia eduardo panama

We use a mix of Concise Posts, Diagrams, How to Videos, Dicoms & Quizzes.

We also include a chat function where you can ask questions and interact directly with Dr Ravi to clarify doubts.

See more in this video HERE


This mini fellowship is aimed at being able to assess a scan with the purpose of planning treatment or intervention and would be suitable for radiologists if that is your purpose and have no/limited prior training in CT and MRI spine.

If you wish to learn for a with the purpose of Reporting Confidently, we suggest you do our other guided Degenerative Spine and SIJ mini-fellowship at this link HERE

La mini beca es reconocida por 30 puntos CPD de aprendizaje basado en la web por RANZCR (Colegio Real de Radiólogos de Australia y Nueva Zelanda). Un punto CPD por hora de aprendizaje basado en la web de RANZCR.

RANZCR CPD points are recognized by most Licensing and Health Authorities around the world including RCR in the UK. Please also check with your individual licensing authority.

We issue a Certificate of Completion with . We will also have Course Badges that can be added to your LinkedIn Profile or shared to Social media.

This course focuses on you learning to recognise and assess the various spinal degenerative pathologies. We dont cover topics related to spine vascular intervention.

This course is for Doctors and Health Care Professionals who work in Spine Pain Management  with no/limited to intermediate experience in Spine MRI and CT who wish to improve their ability assess their patient's Spine MRI and CT prior to treatment or The Mini-Fellowship course would not be suitable for you if you have significant experience in reporting Spine MRI or have done a Spine Fellowship.

Necesitas ser un Profesional de la Salud y el curso es no abierto al público en general. We have Physicians from Pain Medicine, Radiology, Rheumatology, Orthopedics, Neurosurgery, Sports Medicine  Physiatrists and Physiotherapists attending our courses and the course will be suitable for if you work in Spine Pain management.

 By registering for the course you confirm that you are a Health Professional and agree to the terms of service. 

#radedasia #mri #mskmri #radiología

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