

Hi Dr Kunal,

  • Usually there is a small amount of joint fluid present which will help us (if there isn’t it can be difficult as the labrum, MGHL and capsule will all be “stuck” together. But this is uncommon).
  • In the attached image you can see a small amount of joint fluid.
  • The proximal most slice has the labrum and mghl (Green arrow) together so you cant separate them (anatomically the mghl will be more anterior).
  • But as you go more distally the mghl (Pink arrow) can be seen as a separate structure  to the labrum (Blue arrow).
  • And eventually the MGHL will fuse with the capsule which confirms that it is the mghl.
  • In this case there is also a sublabral foramen which is why there is a gap between the labrum and glenoid.

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