Our 2-Day Onsite Knee and Shoulder MRI Mini Fellowship and Workstation Workshop will take place in Kuala Lumpur,
on 16th & 17th September 2023 and registration is CLOSED.
It’s for you if you are at a beginner to intermediate level in reporting Knee and Shoulder MRI. This is a complete course and will cover all you need to know about Knee and Shoulder MRI to assess and report the scans you see at work confidently. We will spend a day on each joint and cover the abnormalities that we commonly see in daily reporting.
The mini fellowship is hands on and aimed at enabling you to learn, practice and retain knowledge and to go back to work reporting the MRI scans on your list more confidently and accurately.

How I Learnt in My Fellowship
During my Fellowship, I learnt through a combination of reading, seeing lots of cases and having a mentor sitting next to me who could answer specific questions, point out abnormalities and how to find them and how to report them. Which is a very effective method of learning.
What If You Can’t do a Fellowship
But a lot of people either don’t have access to or don’t have the time for a 1 or 2 year fellowship…and they then miss out. They try to learn by reading or going to conferences full of power-point presentations, which might give you information, but don’t make you confident in how to assess, interpret and report a scan.
Our Guided Mini Fellowships are different
We structure our Courses to reproduce the Fellowship method I learnt in.
A much more effective way of learning and retaining knowledge than the standard conferences or just reading.
What you will learn in the mini Fellowship can be immediately applied to improve your confidence in daily reporting.

Pre Learn in the days before the event to get more out of the Mini Fellowship. Post Workshop review to reinforce and help you remember what you have learnt. These are done online at a time that suits you.

Having guidance is essential to learn anything, as its hard to learn if you can't clear doubts. We go through scans together and you can ask questions at anytime to clear any doubts.

View and learn how to confidently report 100's of cases with multiple abnormalities, on your individual workstation, like you do at work.

Learn all the background knowledge you need to know to assess, diagnose and report a scan.

A diagnosis begins with a strong knowledge of the radiological anatomy. We make the MSK anatomy easy to learn and recognise.

Why pathology? Understanding the important macroscopic pathology of an abnormality makes interpreting the imaging findings easier.

One of the most popular aspects of our courses. Video explanations of Whats normal, Whats abnormal, Where to look and What to look for.

New quizzes to confirm your understanding.

We will only have 20 seats so that everyone gets the attention they require to learn the most.

A Certificate of Completion for having completed both the Onsite Mini Fellowship.

16 MMA CPD points for onsite workshop attendance. Extra CPD for Pre & Post workshop online courses can be claimed from MMA.
14 RANZCR CPD hours for onsite workshop attendance and 8 RANZCR CPD hours each for Pre & Post workshop online courses respectively. Total 30 RANZCR CPD Hours.
RANZCR CPD Hours are recognized by most international licensing bodies. Please check with your Licensing agency.
Our CPD Partners

What do people like you, who attended our MRI Mini Fellowships say?
Thank you for the very enlightening course. I personally feel it made things clearer and improved my work by 90%. What you do is amazing!

Thank you Dr Ravi for a Great course with unique teaching method. Teaching of Concepts and your approach is very practical. Eager to see you at the next one.

Systematic and logical management of the course. Thank you very much for this course. I appreciate the efforts of Dr. Ravi , who is behind the best radiology course I have taken so far, which has taken me considerably further than any book in a relatively short time.

Thank you! Dr. Ravi for this “demystifying course", it was brilliant and simple to understand and apply in my daily practice. This course has really changed a lot in my shoulder MRI reporting. I have already subscribed to Knee MRI mini fellowship and would definitely recommend your courses for my colleagues.

Thank you for the wonderful workshop. I would say this is the best MSK workshop/ course which I have attended. Thank you so much! Really appreciate your effort!

We have a combination of methods to make sure that you learn as much as possible in the shortest amount of time.
- Individual workstations
- 100s of new dicoms
- Live demonstration and discussion of dicoms
- Ask any questions and clear your doubts.
- Learn how to report different abnormalities
- Quizzes
- Repetition and reviews to help you remember better.
Most onsite courses just have someone presenting slides with minimal interaction with the audience. That is no way to properly learn.
We demonstrate live on dicoms that you have on your individual workstation which can scroll and follow. We guide you in Where to look, What to look for and How to word your report.
It's important to us that at the end of the Mini Fellowship that you are confident to assess and report the scans that you will see at work.
Asking questions and clearing doubts, no matter how small, is a very important part of learning. It stops the anxiety of not knowing and your feeling that something is being missed.
At most onsite courses you may get a chance to ask questions if you are lucky and usually at the end of the session. That is no way to learn.
We take and answer questions and live demonstrate findings at any time in the sessions to clear doubts as we go along. If you have a doubt you will be able to ask and get an answer.
The Pre and Post Course Learning is done online and can be accessed though our Learning Management System.
The aim of it is that you you learn some of the key concepts before the Onsite Course and then Post course keep reviewing conditions we have discussed. This significantly helps you to retain and remeber what you have learnt.
16 MMA CPD points for onsite workshop attendance. Extra CPD Points for Pre & Post workshop online courses can be claimed from MMA.
14 RANZCR CPD hours for onsite workshop attendance and 8 RANZCR CPD hours each for Pre & Post workshop online courses respectively. Total 30 RANZCR CPD Hours.
RANZCR CPD points are recognized by most Licensing and Health Authorities around the world including RCR in the UK.
Yes, we issue a Certificate of Completion at the end of the Onsite Course. We will also have Course Badges that can be added to your LinkedIn Profile or shared to Social media.
This Mini Fellowshipis for beginners to Intermediate level experience in Knee and Shoulder MRI. This is separate and complete course in itself and ou do not need to have done our Online Mini Fellowships.
If you have done a formal MSK Fellowship or have significant experience in reporting MSK MRI, we will soon have an advanced courses for you.
You do need to be a Health Professional. The course is not open to the general public.
We have Consultant and Trainee Radiologists, Rheumatologists, Orthopedic Surgeons and Sports Medicine Physicians attending our courses and the workshop will be suitable for any Medical Doctor who has an interest in or deals with Knee and Shoulder abnormalities.
By registering for the course you confirm that you are a Health Professional and agree to the terms of service.