For Pain Management Specialists

Learn to quickly assess MRI CT and Ultrasound before intervention.

Imaging in Pain Management. What to look for in CT MRI and Ultrasound
  • Learn imaging for pain management so that you can assess scans for yourself prior to any intervention  . This section is dedicated to learning imaging for interventional pain management / pain medicine particularly if you have not had any formal training in in MSK and Spine CT and MRI.
  • The posts will be looking at MSK, Spine, Nerves and Muscle MRI , CT and Ultrasound so that you can learn to easily find the abnormality prior to any treatment or intervention.
  • The CT and MRI posts are mostly aimed at pain management / pain medicine specialists with minimal training in MRI and CT so that it becomes easier and quicker for you to recognise abnormalities on your patients’ scans for yourself.
  • The ultrasound posts are from dedicated Pain medicine specialists particularly from Dr Rajendra Sahoo Pain Medicine Specialist and Anesthetist at KIMS Hospital Bhubeneshwar. Dr Sahoo trained in Canada in Pain Medicine under Dr Phillip Peng and is one of the most talented practitioner and teacher of Ultrasound in Pain Medicine I have worked with.

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