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Spine MRI Nerve Root Compression Online Radiology Course

Another three quick images with some basic key points from our online spine mri courses.

Here we look at how to evaluate and describe a disc that extends into the foramen and its relationship to the exiting foraminal nerve looking at:

  1. MRI Foraminal Disc No compression.
  2. MRI Foraminal Disc in Contact with the nerve.
  3. MRI Foraminal Disc in Compressing the nerve.

Our CPD & Learning Partners

Learn more about this condition & How best to report it in more detail in our SPINE Imaging Mini Fellowships.

Click on the image below for more information.

Our upcoming onsite Guided MSK MRI Mini Fellowships.

Click on the image below for more information.

For all our other current MSK MRI & Spine Imaging
Online Guided Mini Fellowships.


Click on the image below for more information.

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