Radiology Conference MSK MRI Workstation Workshop Philippines August 26-27 2017
The workshop is now sold out. Thank you so much to everyone who registered. We are planning further workshops in Manila and if you would like to be informed of these please email us at
We are very pleased to confirm that we will be collaborating with the CT and MRI Society of Philippines CTMRISP to hold our MSK MRI Workstation Workshop of the large joints Hip, Knee and Shoulder in Manila on the 26th and 27th of August 2017. This is the first time we are holding this workshop in the Philippines but they have been held in over 12 countries. So no need to travel overseas with the extra expense and time involved…We come to you.
We are also commencing a Post Workshop Review Program we call 3R (Review, Refresh, Remember) which is complimentary as part of the workshop. One of the biggest issues with learning is forgetting. This program aims to constantly refresh your memory of what you have learnt in the workshop with daily posts, images and dicoms to view.
Here is a brief look some of the reasons people come to the workshop.
We have had radiologists from Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, India, Nepal, Indonesia, South Africa, Maldives, Mauritius, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar, Seychelles, Afghanistan, Thailand, Bangladesh, Philippines, UAE, United Kingdom and Cambodia join our workshops and we look forward to you joining and meeting with you.
CME: In conjunction with CTMRISP we are in the process of applying for in the process of applying for PRC-CPD units (Physicians). We are also in the process of applying for CME/CPD accreditation by the RANZCR. They workshops are also eligible for recognition of RANZCR points by the RCR, DHA, HAAD and KIMS.
More information on our upcoming MSK MRI & Spine Imaging mini-fellowships HERE