In this video by Dr Rajendra Sahoo Pain Management Specialist at KIMS Hospital and Neuron Pain Clinic we look at the role of ultrasound in the diagnosis and management of piriformis syndrome, pudendal nerve entrapment & ischiofemoral impingement for radiologists and pain management physicians.
Dr Sahoo goes through a:
A step by step explanation of How to scan on Ultrasound the gluteal region for piriformis, pudendal nerve and quadratus femoris.
Explains how to position the probe and the patient to accurately visualize the gluteal muscles, piriformis, pudendal nerve and quadratus femoris.
Using ultrasound, where and how to inject the piriformis or quadratus femoris and how to block the pudendal nerve.
In my own ultrasound practice, I have found this video an invaluable aid in learning how to confidently scan the gluteal region and identify piriformis, the pudendal nerve and quadratus femoris in order to inject them under ultrasound guidance.
If your Browser is blocking the video, Please Click HERE to view it on our YouTube channel.
Dr Rajendra Sahoo is a senior consultant Pain Physician and Anesthetist who is Fellowship trained in Ultrasound guided Pain Management. We will be collaborating with Dr Sahoo to bring more MSK and Spine Ultrasound learning.
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Learn more about this condition & How best to report it in more detail in our Online Guided HIP MRI Mini Fellowship.
More by clicking on the images below.
For all our other current MSK MRI & Spine MRI Online Guided Mini Fellowships.
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