/ KNEE, Meniscus, What's the Dx / By Dr Ravi Padmanabhan POPLITEOMENISCAL FASICLES MRI TEAR NORMAL ANATOMY DISCUSSION These structures are the Popliteomeniscal Fascicles. They are the Antero Inferior Fascicle (Blue arrow). The Postero superior Fascicle (Pink arrow) which forms the, Popliteal Hiatus (Orange arrow) for the, Popliteus tendon (Green arrow) to pass through. POPLITEOMENISCAL FASICLES MRI TEAR NORMAL ANATOMY: MOVE SLIDER TO VIEW IMAGES ARE FROM OUR INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT. CLICK ICON BELOW TO SEE ALL OUR INSTAGRAM POSTS Instagram RELATED POSTS THAT INCREASE YOUR DEPTH OF KNOWLEDGE ON THIS TOPIC: CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW #popliteomeniscalfasicle #radiology #radedasia #mri #kneemri #radiologyeducation #radiologycases #radiologist #radiologycme #radiologycpd #medicalimaging #imaging #radcme #rheumatology #arthritis #rheumatologist #orthopaedic #painphysician #physiotherapy #sportsmed #orthopaedic #mskmri #radedasia #mri #mskmri #radiology